Register an Account

REGISTER HERE (Opens in new tab.)

Registering is not required, but making sure your email address is verified and receiving messages beforehand ensures your booking completes properly.

Why? Typos and autocorrect. Booking with an incorrect email will always fail, as you will not get a security email needed to complete your first appointment, and you will not even know that it failed, only that you never received any emails. This is also true if you are already in the system, but use an incorrect email on a later booking.

Once registered, you can complete a booking by signing in with your email and password on the customer info screen by clicking "Sign in" at the top of the screen.

If there's a typo on your email during sign in, you'll know right away when the login fails, and can fix it by signing in again before continuing.

If you forget your password at checkout, you can click "Sign in" at the top, then use the password reset link (this should preserve your order.) You can also change it any time before starting your order from this website's menu, using the "Reset Password" item at the bottom.

Once signed in, your name, email and phone are auto-filled into the form. Just hit the button at the bottom to complete your booking! You can leave yourself signed in to skip that step next time.

REGISTER HERE (Opens in new tab.)

A step-by-step example is below:

1: Enter your Information

Customer Info Entry Screenshot

  • Enter first and last name, email, phone number. (International numbers may not work.)

  • Choose and verify a password.

  • After verifying your information is correct, click "Register" button.

2: Check your email!

  • When you see the screen below, check both inbox and spam for a verification message!

Check Email Screenshot

  • Usually the email arrives in just a few moments. If it doesn't arrive after 10 minutes, usually your email was changed somehow by autocorrect or some other glitch, and it's usually best to just try again: Register

  • If you still don't get a message after a second try, please email the owner! You can also SMS text him here!

3: Open the email, click the verification link.

  • The verification message comes from

Verification Email Screenshot

4: Registration Complete!

  • Once you see this screen, you can use your email address and password to sign into your Full Slate account for booking, without also entering your full name and phone each time.

Registration Complete Screenshot

  • Once you see this screen, you can close that particular tab before continuing.

5: Begin your order on Sabai's website menus.

6: Booking on a New Device.

  • For security, if you try booking an appointment from a different computer or device than the one you registered on, the system will send another verification email (with a link you need to click) to confirm that the new device is authorized by you for making appointments.

  • It will do this for every new device or computer.

  • After clicking the confirm link, your appointment will be completed, with no need to enter information again.

Questions? I'm here to help!

View Reservation & Cancellation Policies

All services are non-refundable.

Hawaii Tax of 4.166% included.

Visa, MC, Discover & AMEX  

accepted onsite using Square

A 3.99% processing fee is 

charged for all credit cards.

(Estimate $2.00 for every $50.00, or multiply total x 1.0399)